My photos. My offers.
Delivered directly
to my home.

Register NOW

How it Works!


Step 1

Upload your image

(20 images per order)


Step 2

Confirm your photo order


Step 3

Confirm address

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Our application is still on and running on Apple App store and Android Play store

Please find the below links for Android Link
Please find the below links for iOS Link

ABOUT Frintz™

Frintz is an innovative means of providing consumers with free prints of photos. We want those photos out of the digital world and into your hands where they can be enjoyed! And we want to do that for free. Not the kind of free where you need a credit card on file. The really free kind. How do we do it? Your photo will be accompanied by an advertisement from one of our sponsors. The ad is easily detached from the photo, leaving you with a free print to enjoy. Pretty cool, right? And pretty free. It is our experience that “cool” and “free” are rarely positioned together. So please enjoy this unique (cool and free) service.

Becoming a partner with Frintz allows your company access to new insights about your customers, all while building stronger brands. Sound interesting?